Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just the Two of us!!

Classic Skating

Valentines Day

This year for Dallin, we celebrated his birth-week. Each day I gave him a little gift and told him how much I love him. Monday: I gave him a framed flying squirl. Tuesday: I gave him a blow up tie and also my parents gave him a nice white sunday shirt, Wednesday: I made him this candy bar card, and Thursday was his actual birthday so I went to Happy Sumo and bought him Sushi for lunch. We had such a good time eating lunch and talking in the car, he truly is so good to me. After work he was picked up by his mom and we threw a surprise Birthday party for him. My little sister made 3 angel food cakes and we had a great time seeing everyone come and wish him happy birthday. Before I went to the party Dallin rode his bike over to my house to see me. Before we both went over to his house for the surprise I gave him his last gift, I wrote up my mission call. He opened it up to read the message and I started to get teary eyed.